Dance of the flying spheres
The reliefs showing archetypal symbols.
The dominant symbol is a sphere symbolizing the finest forms of consciousness, inspired by the ideas that are born in visionary moments.
As such, spheres are a signpost in the man's way of knowing himself and the world around him, and often act in the form of restoring belief in the meaning of existence and they transform into some sort of creative energy which culminates in creative work.
Mandala /Mandala 180x180cm
DDance of the fying spheres 63x32cm
Vrlina /Virtue 152x237cm
Arhangel 50x50cm
Watcher 50x50cm
Initiator 100x100cm
Beskonacnost/Infinity 50x83cm
Arhetip/Archetype 150x150cm
Jedinstvo suprotnosti/Unity of opposites 50x127cm
Gravitacija/Gravity 152x237cm